Sunday, July 5, 2009

Mom & Dad S's odds-n-ends

Here are some pictures from Mom and Dad S's house. Since their other kids all live out of state I thought I would take some pictures for them to see, and maybe some others would be interested as well. :) They just got a new van (we think it's an 2006) from Blue Knob Auto. Since the other van is on it's last leg. So there are some pictures of the van, flowers, garden, etc. Enjoy!
Chrysler van

Just a few of the flowers she has. These are on the deck. There are alot!! :)
More on the deck.
I didn't actually go up to the garden, but here is a little view of it.
More flowers outback.
And another!
They landscaped around the shed this year. They have had 2 wagon wheels forever and a day and was finally able to use them. There is another one on the other side, but not landscaped yet.
Hanging baskets on the front porch.
Hydrangea out front. She said the color has really faded but they still are really nice yet!
Her Red bud tree just planted this year.


Anonymous said...

April, THANK YOU! for the pictures. I wish I could grow flowers like my mom...we're hardly into summer and mine are looking like they're ready to give up. Sure wish we could have a made a trip in this summer. Love, Marianne

Faithe said...

Your house is looking GREAT!!! And thanks for the pictures of my brother's and sister-in-law's house---and van. NICE!!! I'm glad you keep us up-to-date on the happenings up your way. Pictures are much appreciated! Love you guys. Now go sit down and relax with a glass of iced deserve it~!