Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Verdict Is In...

Today was my last Doctor's appt. He said I am still at "A good 4 cm" dilated and 80% effaced. He also told me I have what they like to call a "favorable cervix" interesting, huh?! LOL!! So he'd really like to see if I would just go on my own. SO...he is letting me go this weekend yet to see if I will go into labor on my own, if not, then I will be calling the hospital Monday morning at 6am to schedule an induction. He said they may say at 6am, come right in now, or they may say maybe a little later on, but def Monday. So, won't be sure of the time yet if it does happen to be Monday. We will let people know, when we know. Keep praying, as I am still scared people!! :)

1 comment:

Kara Plank said...

Can't wait to see pictures!!!!